Archive for Project Rooftop

Vampirella Redesign Winners Announced!

Project Rootop has revealed the winning designs in their recent “Vampirella Revamp” competition. Lots of very cool and unexpected designs (seems like the best redesigns always have something wildly unexpected in ’em). But there was nothing cooler or more unexpected than their grand prize winner:



Vampirella as Speed Racer — you may now consider my mind officially blown. And dig the fangs on that hot rod!

Lots of other great designs — go check ’em out!

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Vamping for Vampirella


Hopefully, y’all are familiar with Project Rooftop, which focuses on superheroes and fashion — specifically, on having talented artists re-design costumes for familiar characters. In the past, they’ve had re-design competitions for everyone from Superman and Iron Man to Spoiler and the Rocketeer. The re-designs themselves are grand fun to look at, and to read the critiques of, so it’s a good read for anyone, artist or not.

Anyway, their newest competition is a Vampirella Revamp, for the horror cheesecake character best known for her skimpy red ribbon of a costume. The judges include original Vampi designer Trina Robbins, Vampi artist Joe Jusko, and slam-bang horror-pulp painter Dan Brereton — and the winning artist gets his or her design printed in a future issue of “Vampirella” as a pinup.

And I want to specifically challenge our Lubbock artists in the Lubbock Sketch Club — I’d like y’all to submit your Vampirella redesigns to the Project Rooftop competition. I know there are tons of talented Lubbock artists who could make a really awesome redesign, and even if a Lubbock design doesn’t make it in as the top winner, I think it’d be great publicity for the Sketch Club to hear the judges say they’re impressed by how the Lubbock artists stepped up to the plate and delivered their A-game.

The deadline is September 8th. Everyone get redesigning!

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