Archive for Links!

This and That, Here and There

A few things you may find interesting…

* Ragnell has a trailer/”making of…” featurette about the upcoming animated movie version of Darwyn Cooke’s outstanding “New Frontier” series.

* If you love laughing at some of the bizarre covers and panels from comics’ Silver Age, you really ought to be reading “Superdickery.”

* Brian Cornin dug up some old AIDS public service announcements that DC Comics put together. Brian says they’re pretty awful, and they are. Unfortunately, most comic book PSAs are at least that bad, if not worse.

* Gail Simone talks about taking over writing duties on “Wonder Woman.”

* One of my very favorite posts by Chris Sims — he does a fast review of the (ahem) classic “Godzilla vs. Barkley.” The last panel has me howling with laughter every time I see it.

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Destroying the World


Sometimes, you just gotta blow it all up…

A very common comic book theme is the end of the world — or at least, the looming end of the world, which can only be forestalled by people in colorful jammies having lots of crossover events and repeatedly punching some bad guy with a really, really evil grin. Thank goodness stuff like that never happens in the real world, right? Right?


The Signs of Witness blog covers a wide variety of threatened real-life Ragnaroks, from terrorist attacks to super volcanoes to Satanist presidents to Chinese pollution to biowarfare to North American piranha to far too many nervewracking reports of global warning. And much, much, much more.

It may sound like unrelentingly grim reading, but the folks running the site have a pretty good sense of humor about this stuff, so they drop quirky news bits about the satirical SubGenius organization’s apocalyptic “X-Day,” weird sightings of Jesus in tortillas and trees and whatnot, and underwater post offices.

Nevertheless, there’s still a lot of reports about global warming and superstorms and mad cultists and earthquakes and meteor strikes and other depressing stuff. So, ya know, hug your kids.

(Link via the Daily Illuminator)

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Bits and Pieces


Falling apart at the seams?

Got a cluster of different links for ya this morning — not enough for a full post for each, but some fun stuff to click on…

* A list of the best scenes from superhero movies. I can’t agree with all of them — they’ve left out some of my own favorites — but I don’t see anything staggeringly wrong either.

* There have been a lot of action figures of Marvel Comics characters, but this is the first time that Marvel super-writer Stan Lee has gotten the toy treatment.

* Not exactly comics-related, but we were talking about Stephen King just a few days ago… Did you realize that the soon-to-be-released “1408” will be the 99th Stephen King adaptation to make it to film or TV? Michael Sadowski has his picks for the five best King adaptations ever.

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