DC, Release the Style Guide!

Last Thursday was José Luis GarcÃa-López’s birthday. I didn’t have time to write about him then, but it reminded me of something I’d really love to see happen someday soon.
Of course, longtime comics fans know GarcÃa-López as a guy who’s provided art for almost every important DC Comics character over the years. But he’s most recognizable as the artist of the DC Comics Style Guide.

For years, it’s been used as a guide on how to draw the most classic versions of DC’s characters, but it’s also very well loved as an example of GarcÃa-López’s beautiful and stylish artwork — and it’s not available for sale anywhere for the general public!
You can find examples of some of the work in the Style Guide on Facebook and elsewhere on the web, but honestly, that’s no substitute for being able to put artwork this fantastic on your bookshelf, on your coffee table, or even on your wall.
There’s been talk about publishing the full Style Guide as a book that anyone could buy — it seems like an easy sell, doesn’t it? A collection of art from DC’s glory days by one of its greatest artists — it’d be popular with fans, creators, pop culture collectors. Some of DC’s higher-ups have at least sometimes discussed the idea favorably, but nothing has come of it yet.
Let’s check out some more of GarcÃa-López’s art, ‘kay?

Come on, DC, let’s get to it. Time to get the classic DC Comics Style Guide by José Luis GarcÃa-López released for the general public. It’d be a great way to honor GarcÃa-López and to let us fans drool over this brilliant artwork.
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