Archive for Friday Night Fights

Friday Night Fights: Dine in the Spirit!

It’s less than a week ’til Halloween, and there’s still a few spooky battles we can highlight for… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us from 2006’s New Voices in the Dark and the story “Anything But a Ghost” by manga fear-master Junji Ito, best known to most of us as the creator of the dementedly awesome horror series Uzumaki. Shigeru is a guy who started an affair with a woman named Misaki, but ended the relationship because he decided she was just too creepy, and because his pregnant wife, Yuina, found out about it and committed suicide. But Misaki won’t let go — and she soon demonstrates one of the ways in which she’s just spectacularly creepy — she eats ghosts. In fact, she eats the ghost of Shigeru’s wife!









Delicious. Anyone getting a craving for a pre-Halloween plate of ribs?

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Friday Night Fights: My Pet Demon!

Baby, it’s mid-October, it’s the weekend, and we need some comic-book violence to get things started right. Break into your secret stash of Halloween candy, children, ’cause it’s time for… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us from October 2010’s Hellboy/Beasts of Burden: Sacrifice by Evan Dorkin, Mike Mignola, and Jill Thompson, as Hellboy, with ample encouragement from the monster-fighting pets of Burden Hill, goes to town on a monstrous golem!








Boom indeed!

That should do it for us for this week. I’ll see y’all back here on Monday.

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Friday Night Fights: Don’t Feed the Plants!

If it’s Friday, and if it’s approximately evening, that’s enough for me to declare it to be time for… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS! And if it’s October, that means I’ve got some nice monster-themed fights to share with you, too.

Tonight’s battle comes to us from February 1984’s Swamp Thing #21 by Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette, and John Totleben. The classic tale “The Anatomy Lesson” revamped the Swamp Thing’s backstory and served up a frightful buffet of creepiness and terror, as the venal General Sunderland suffers an unpleasant encounter with an angry plant monster.




Yeah, General, that is probably not the best choice of words to offer to an infuriated monster that’s just had his worldview flipped over on him.



Important lesson: Don’t shoot plant monsters in the head and expect that to kill them. Also, don’t leave important research papers around for swamp monsters to read. Come to think of it, if you have a swamp monster in the building, don’t hang around and wait for him to get angry about something.

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Friday Night Fights: Drac Whack!

Why, hello there, October! You’re the best month of the whole year, yes, you are! The weather is cooler, the leaves are changing, and most importantly… Haaaaaalloweeeeen, the best day of the year! So what’s that got to do with Friday Night Fights, especially this early in the month?

Well, simply put, I like to plan ahead. So I went looking for a good fight to save for Halloween. And I found too many of them! Way, way too many. So instead of saving a whole bunch of them for future Halloweens, I’m gonna devote all of this month’s Friday Night Fights (and probably the day after Halloween, too) to monsters and horror. Shall we begin?

Tonight’s battle comes to us from September 2009’s Captain Britain and MI13 #15 by Paul Cornell, Leonard Kirk, and Jay Leisten, in which Faiza Hussain must face the vampiric might of Count Dracula himself!





Ya wanna hear something really, really weird? Something that’ll put the creep into your bones and make you question the nature of reality itself? Neither Faiza Hussain nor Dracula — two absolutely wonderful characters who appeared in highly acclaimed comics — are currently being published in any Marvel comic books. Oooo-weeeeee-ooooo…

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Friday Night Fights: Sweet Mashup!

Well, it’s been another rough week. We’ve been abused by bosses, abused by coworkers, abused by customers, and it’s way past time for the weekend to get started and give us a chance to forget that abuse for another couple of days. So let’s get things started with… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle is a short one — just a little gag strip from August 1982’s What If? #34 by Joe Albelo and Al Milgrom. What do you get when you move NYC’s mean streets to Asgard?



Hey, Idris Elba worked as a Norse god — so why can’t we get a good Luke Cage movie already?

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Friday Night Fights: Bat Flick!

I ain’t got time for no clever intros! It’s time for the weekend, and it’s time for… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us from August 2003’s Justice League Adventures #20 by Jason Hall, Rick Burchett, and John K. Snyder III. The Psycho-Pirate is messing with the JLA’s minds and emotions, and that means someone’s going to get a superpowered finger upside their skull.



(Grr, inability to erase stuff cleanly in Photoshop…)

You kids get out there and enjoy the weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday.

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Friday Night Fights: Do Not Taunt Happy Fun Shulkie!

Ladies and gentlemen, friends and neighbors, kids and other kids, it’s long past time to get the weekend started. To be honest, I would’ve been pretty good starting it on Tuesday or even Monday. But it’s finally here, and that calls for a celebration — namely: FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us from March 1983’s The Avengers #229 by Roger L. Stern, Al Milgrom, and Joe Sinnott. She-Hulk has temporarily lost her powers after a run-in with the Radioactive Man, and Hawkeye decides to help her out by being a colossal douche.






Yes, Hawkeye, it’s always smart to taunt someone until they get mad enough to turn into an enormous green rage monster.

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Friday Night Fights: Wall of Pain!

Another dreary week is finally in the rear-view mirror, and our all-too-short weekend is upon us. You ready to get going? Let’s kick things off with… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s brawl comes to us from October 1989’s Suicide Squad #34 by John Ostrander, Kim Yale and John K. Snyder III. Need to go on some misguided trip to a cosmic hellhole like Apokolips? You’ll probably want to bring Superman with you. If you can’t bring Superman? Just bring Amanda Waller instead.






That’ll do it for this week — y’all have a fantastic weekend.

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Friday Night Fights: Heavy Metal!

Awright, time to start up another weekend — hopefully, for a lot of you, it’ll be a nice long holiday weekend. But no matter how long or short, the best way to start the weekend is with… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us from November 2013’s Avengers Academy #37 by Christos Gage, Tom Grummett, and Cory Hamscher. One thing you never want to do is get a big metal-skinned super-strong guy like Mettle angry at you.



There we go — everyone have a great Labor Day weekend!

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Friday Night Fights: Moth Beaten!

It’s Prize Fight Night and Theme Night this evening! SpaceBooger has decreed a double theme — the loser “never saw it coming” and the loser has to reference a bug or insect. Saddle up the ponies, pilgrim, it’s time for… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

For tonight’s battle, I’m going with January 1967’s Detective Comics #359 by the great Gardner Fox and the equally great Carmine Infantino. It’s Barbara Gordon’s debut as Batgirl, and she gets to fight not just one, but two Killer Moths!





There we go, kids. Run on over to SpaceBooger’s place and vote for your favorite battle!

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