Archive for Friday Night Fights

Friday Night Fights: Police Brutality!

Man, being ill and trying to recover is no fun at all. But ya know what is fun? FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

From 2002’s Powers #23 by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming. Hey, bad-tempered supercop Deena Pilgrim! What’s your favorite Ice-T song?


Hey, Deena! Can you use that girl’s head to keep the beat?


Hmm, yeah, that doesn’t work so well, I guess.

(Bahlactus is the King of Rock, there is none higher, sucker MC’s should call him Sire)

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Friday Night Fights: Nap Time!

Let’s keep this one short and sweet this time. Bahlactus demands that Friday nights be dedicated to Friday Night Fights, and if we don’t do it, then Big B brings the pain. I just can’t stand pain, man.

From 1989’s Doom Patrol #26 by Grant Morrison, Richard Case, and John Nyberg, the Japanese superhero Sunburst (and a really, really enthusiastic TV host) meets up with the lovely but drowsy Sleepwalk from the Brotherhood of Dada:




And after a punch like that, Sunburst probably caught a little shut-eye, too…

Speaking of the Doom Patrol, when’s Crazy Jane gonna make it back into regular DC continuity, hah?

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Friday Night Fights: Girl Power!

Wow, what a week. I don’t know about y’all, but I’m really feeling like a little gratuitous comic-book violence would be just the thing I need to get my weekend started right. You guys know anywhere I can find some gratuitous comic-book violence around here? Maybe right here, ’cause it’s time for FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s dose of brutality comes from 2005’s JSA Classified #4 by Geoff Johns, Amanda Conner, and Jimmy Palmiotti: Power Girl vents her frustrations on the Psycho-Pirate’s gold-plated jaw:





Hmm, someone’s gonna have to get the extra-absorbent tissues to clean up this mess…

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Friday Night Fights: Ladies Night!

It’s the triumphant return of Bahlactus’ Big Bad Brawlfest — better known as FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

The theme this time is “Ladies Night” — and yeah, that means each entry has to feature some fine feminine fisticuffs. So to kick things off with one single, wonderful panel from this year’s Birds of Prey #117 by Sean McKeever, Nicola Scott, and Doug Hazlewood: Misfit teleports all around a room administering copious amounts of whoopass:


To celebrate this auspicious beginning of the latest round of Friday Night Fights, I’m asking all you gals out there to go beat the snot out of someone tonight. As for you guys… just stay outta their way, a’ight?

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Friday Night Fights: Patriot Whacked!

It was delayed a week for the Fourth of July, but tonight is the final round of the latest edition of Friday Night Fights! You know what this means, right? With any luck, this’ll be the last time Bahlactus goes for an all-black-and-white comics theme. It was no fun having to bleach the color out of everything I scanned for the fightfests, lemme tell you.

So let’s go ahead and get right to it: from this year’s Captain America #34 by Ed Brubaker, Steve Epting, and Butch Guice — the new Captain America and the Black Widow beat the stuffing out of the evil scientists of A.I.M.:

Even in black and white, a beat-down like that’ll make you glad you’re an American.

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Friday Night Fights: Orking the Joker!

It’s the next-to-the-last round of this latest series of FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS! And we all know what that means, right? Yep, only another week of me having to bleach the color out of my comic scans. Huzzah!

Tonight, I’m treating y’all to a coupla panels from January 2007’s Batman/Spirit crossover, by Jeph Loeb and Darwyn Cooke, as the Spirit, dressed in Batman’s cape and cowl, socks the Joker in the breadbasket.



I often find myself shouting “ORK!” when I get socked in the breadbasket. I assume everyone does, right?

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Friday Night Fights: Punishment!

So it’s Friday, it’s night (or at least night-ish), and we’re all in the mood for some comic-booky fights? Sounds like the perfect time for…FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Today, we’re turning to 1974’s Amazing Spider-Man #129 by Gerry Conway and Ross Andru, featuring the debut of the Punisher:


Ain’t nothin’ wrong with a good old-fashioned kick-to-the-face.

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Friday Night Fights: Elijah Snow vs. a Table!

Traditionally, Friday Night Fights is all about unleashing the fisticuffs on the unsuspecting chins of those schmuckbunnies around you. But sometimes, you just gotta beat up furniture.

From Planetary #12 by Warren Ellis and John Cassaday, Elijah Snow takes out his frustrations on a frozen desk.


Hmf, beating up on a poor defenseless table…

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Friday Night Fights: Twerp Stompage!

It’s Friday night already? And we all feel the need to fightin’? Well, that must mean it’s time for Friday Night Fights!

This week, we turn to Marvel Adventures: The Avengers #24, by Jeff Parker, Ig Guara, and Jay Leisten, where the dastardly Hate-Monger shows Wolverine that insulting words really can hurt.



Let that be a lesson for all of you: avoid people who can grow to a hundred feet tall and stomp you into the dirt.

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Friday Night Fights: Riot Squirrel!

Well, Bahlactus has requested all black-and-white battles for the current round of Friday Night Fights, which is too bad, ’cause I keep running across great fights that look awesome in color and just awful in monochrome. Still, one must persevere, and I found one this week that didn’t look too muddy…

From 2007’s Deadpool-GLI Summer Fun Spectacular by Dan Slott, Fabian Nicieza, and Kieron Dwyer: the mighty Squirrel Girl boots Deadpool in the butt.


Love that “SPANQ” sound effect…

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