Archive for Friday Night Fights

Friday Night Fights: Jack Knifed!

Yet another week has come and gone, and it’s time for the two days of the week that make the rest of them worth sweating through — and that means it’s time once again for FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Our pain-packed panel for this week comes from Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell’s classic Jack the Ripper thriller From Hell, Chapter 8, collected into a single volume back in 1999. Here, we see Sir William Gull taking his knife to Kate Eddowes.

Hmm, not our usual light-hearted fisticuffs this time, so we’ll just leave it at that, along with the wish that everyone has a far better weekend.

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Friday Night Fights: Gum!

Another weird and vaguely irritating week has finally past, and that means it’s time for all weekend-loving peoples to get ready for FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

This week’s brawl comes courtesy of September 1991’s Silver Surfer #54 by Ron Marz, Ron Lim, and Tom Christopher, in which we are treated to the sight of the Rhino beating the Silver Surfer with… a gumball machine.

That’s some whallop. I wonder how the Surfer wrigley’d his way out of that one.

Yeah. I said it.

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Friday Night Fights: Explodey-Head!

I think we’ve all had a stressful enough week that we’d all appreciate a wonderful weekend, wouldn’t we? And as always, the best way to start off a wonderful weekend is with some gratuitous, face-cracking violence, right? So let’s get this party started — it’s time again for FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Our pain-packed panel for this week comes from November 1985’s Fantastic Four #284 by John Byrne as She-Hulk hits one of Psycho-Man’s minions so hard his whole head blows up.

Over the top? Maybe. I guess that’s just how gamma-powered lawyers roll…

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Friday Night Fights: Maul Rat!

Let’s make it short and sweet: If it’s Friday, and it’s night(ish), and I’m posting a panel with a fight in it, it must be time for FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes from November 1993’s Blood Syndicate #8 by Ivan Velez, Jr., ChrisCross, and Shepherd Hendrix, as Fade backhands Boogieman.


Ya know, the Syndicate are the only major Milestone Media characters who haven’t yet been revived by DC. Here’s hoping that changes soon, ’cause they were always my faves of all the Milestone crew.

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Friday Night Fights: Who Watches the Broken Nose?

Yah, sure, we all love us some FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS… but it’s also the official opening day of “Watchmen,” possibly the biggest comic book movie ever, so I should probably get that properly commemorated.

So… from 1987’s Watchmen #11 by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons: Nite Owl gets a big metal frisbee flung into his snoot:


Hey, Friday night’s also a good night for watching movies, so get to it, kids.

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Friday Night Fights: Friday Night Foot!

Hasn’t been too rough a week for me — heck, I’m unemployed, so that means I get to live the harsh life of sitting around the house, watching TV, trying not to overeat, and just, you know, have nightmares about money and homelessness and all that. So not too rough. But even on our easiest weeks, we still need something to get us out of our day-to-day schedule. So, the weekend’s almost here, and the best way to get stoked for the weekend is with our old pal FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight, we’re going to go for some seriously hardcore violence, so small children, squicky parents, and people who totally freak out about violence may wish to look away.

From November 2002, here’s a panel from PS238 #0 by Aaron Williams, featuring the epic battle between Bernard Brenner and his dad’s foot.

The savagery! The carnage! The limitless agonizing aaaaagony! Although you may find this panel tacked up in our friendly neighborhood podiatrist’s office. One person’s pain is another person’s Porsche…

(BTW, you can check out Aaron Williams’ awesome website right over here.)

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Friday Night Fights: Bonk!

It’s been another crazy week, and if there’s any good remedy for a crazy week, it’s a nice heapin’ dose of prolific percolatin’ pain to start your weekend. In other words, it’s time once again for FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

This week’s Moment of Mangling comes from Police Comics #13 from November 1942. Written and illustrated by the great Jack Cole, “The Man Who Can’t Be Harmed!” introduced Woozy Winks to the world, and included the epic battle of Plastic Man vs. a bunch of rocks.


(That’s cool, Spacebooger, you know how it is, rockin’ and rollin’ and whatnot.)

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Friday Night Fights: Love Stinks!

Oh, sure, sure, tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day. We’re all soooo excited. All you rassafrackin’ lovebirds are gonna be running around, buying each other dinner and roses and cards and, and waffles or whatever. Well, some of us happen to enjoy our happy, single, sitting-around-the-house-and-watching-PBS, eating-Fudge-Choco-Chip-ice-cream-out-of-a-bucket, not-actually-very-lonely-and-certainly-not-listening-to-people-in-the-other-apartments lifestyles quite well, thank you very much.


Definitely time for Friday Night Fights. Definitely.

Tonight’s lovesick brawl comes to us from June 2000’s Superman #157 by Jeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness, and Cam Smith. Things are not currently all sweetness and light in the home of Clark Kent and Lois Lane.


But I guess all relationships go through their rough stretches.


Well, maybe not that rough.


And that was probably unnecessary.


And to add insult to injury, turns out that’s not really Lois. (Gee, ya think?) It’s actually the big, gruesome Parasite, and in this storyline, he’d been impersonating Lois for weeks, maybe a month or two. And it’s possible that, at some point during all that time, there were… relations. Not that there’s anything wrong with that… but it just can’t be healthy to sleep with someone called the Parasite, can it?

(No time for love, Dr. Spacebooger)

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Friday Night Fights: Two-for-One Sale!

Man alive, what a week! Nothing but stress and worry and work and alarm clocks and not-sleeping-late! Is there any way to unwind from the work week and get primed for the weekend? Why not try a thick, steaming bowl of FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Today, let’s take a look at February 2007’s 52, Week Forty-Three, by some combination of Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid, Keith Giffen, and Dan Jurgens, as Osiris gets all angsty, lashes out at Captain Marvel Junior (Well, who wouldn’t?), and accidentally hits his sister, Isis.


After that, he went out and got eaten by a crocodile.

Sounds like my week, dangit.

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Friday Night Fights: Ribcage Mambo

It’s been another rough week, with a few notable highlights, but dangit, the fact remains, there’s no better cure for a rough week than a little FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s mighty battle comes courtesy of July 2003’s Exiles #27 by Chuck Austen, Clayton Henry, and Mark Morales, in which an alternate-reality Colossus reminds alternate-reality Luke Cage about the limits of bulletproof skin.


(Spacebooger don’t pull no punches either.)

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