Archive for Friday Night Fights

Friday Night Fights: Bizarro Boots!

Well, it’s finally Friday, and a good thing, ’cause I was just about worn entirely out. I don’t know if just two days will be enough for me this weekend, but I’ll do my best to make ’em work. And I’m sure y’all will, too, or else there’s gonna be a whuppin’. And speaking of whuppin’s, it’s time for FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s fight probably isn’t the most brutal I’ve posted, but it’s one that always makes me laugh. From 2001’s Bizarro Comics anthology and the “Bizarro X-Ray Three” double splash page by Gilbert Hernandez and Tom McCraw, as Lex Luthor gives the Spectre the boot.


Y’all don’t forget the West Texas Comic Con tomorrow! It’ll be more fun than kicking the Spirit of God’s Vengeance in the butt with a cartoon extendo-boot!

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Friday Night Fights: Trick or Treat! Smell my Feet!

A’ight, we’re done with Ghost Week, but I still got the Halloween spirit! And even better, it’s Friday night — so that means we’re getting a nice, fat, awesome Halloween Weekend! Ooh, and my calendar says the day after Halloween is gonna be a full moon, too! That means this is gonna be a historically fantastic weekend — and the best way to kick off a historically fantastic weekend is with FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

And there’s no better way to celebrate Halloween and fighting than with that monster-stompin’ tough guy, the Goon! From Eric Powell’s 2003 collection, The Goon: Nothin’ but Misery, here’s the Goon squaring off against a monstrous Bog Lurk:




Y’all better have the good candy when I get to your door! None of that no-name chalky stuff, ya hear!

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Friday Night Fights: Giant Lizard Kick Attack GOOOOO!

Okay, it’s Friday evening, and that means many things to many people. It’s the start of the weekend and… and… Well, okay, it’s the start of the weekend, and that’s all that really matters to most of us. But that alone is reason enough to celebrate with some FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

So SpaceBooger wants all the fights to focus on kicks, stomps, and the like. That’s why he’s been calling this newest incarnation of Friday Night Fights “Feet of Fury.”

Well, I think I’ve just found the ultimate stomp. Sure, Shiang Chi, Master of Kung Fu may kick guys all over the place. Sure, Spider-Man and Batman are pretty good with nailing bad guys with well-aimed kicks. They can all do a lot of damage with those kicks.

But none of them can do this:


Godzilla, from September 1977’s Godzilla: King of the Monsters #2 by Doug Moench, Herb Trimpe, Frank Giacoia, and George Tuska, stomps Seattle to rubble without even trying.

Try to beat that with your lame crane stance, Karate Kid.

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Friday Night Fights: This Time, I'm Really Gonna Kick that Football!

Well, it’s finally the end of the workweek, and that means it’s time for us to get going with our traditional weekend kickoff — it’s time for FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s fight comes from 2007’s Doctor 13: Architecture and Mortality by Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang. Instead of being the typical superhero bash, this is from one of that series’ odd little bookends — some kid who looks a lot like Charlie Brown is getting ready to kick a football held by a kid who looks a lot like Lucy van Pelt. Oh no, we all know how this turns out every time!


Hmm, so I’m not the only person who used to dream that Chuck would eventually get that fussbudget back…

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Friday Night Fights: Kick Beetle!

So we got another long work-week over with, and it’s time to start the weekend. You know what that means, right? It’s time for another session of FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes from April 1985’s Crisis on Infinite Earths #1 by Marv Wolfman and George Perez, as the Blue Beetle takes out a bunch of crooks:




Nothing too complicated, but it’s a nice way to get our weekend festivities started.

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Friday Night Fights: Bad Pun Theater!

Another week over, time for another couple days off. If you’re anything like me, you need a decent trigger to really get the weekend started — and there’s no better trigger for the weekend than FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

This week, we turn to November 1966’s Batman #186 and the story “Commissioner Gordon’s Death Threat” by Gardner Fox, Sheldon Moldoff, and Joe Giella. Here, we see Robin taking on some generic mooks:


“A helping of soles”?! Dagblast it, Boy Wonder, I could forgive a bad pun, but not a colossally inept one!

Thanks a lot, Robin, now my whole weekend is ruined. RUINED! I may as well go back to work now.

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Friday Night Fights: The Old Reliable Groin Shot!

I’ve been having some trouble finding good panels to use for the latest Friday Night Fights series. See, SpaceBooger has decreed that every fight has to include a good kick — literally, a kick, or a stomp, or some other attack with the feet. And I’m having trouble finding good ones. So this week, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to find one…

Luckily, I found Sidekick #3 from 2007, by Paul Jenkins and Chris Moreno, as poor overworked and underappreciated Eddie Edison meets up with an angry Justice Princess and Brother Commando:


Hope your weekend goes a bit better than that…

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Friday Night Fights: Another One Rides the Bus!

Has it been a long week for anyone else? ‘Round about Monday, I was thinking it was almost the weekend, and dang it, I was wrong! It was nowhere near the weekend! NOWHERE NEAR! Can you imagine the shattering, towering agony of having to wait five whole horrible days after Sunday for the next weekend to start? Well, of course you can imagine it! But — how do we stand it?! Those endless, terrifying hours spent at work instead of maxxin’ and relaxxin’ back home, spinning some fine tunes, eating Cheetos on the toilet — um, I mean, sipping champagne in the hot tub. YOU SEE HOW THE STRESS GETS TO ME?!

Dang, you know what we need? We need some FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Our kicktastic smackdown tonight comes to us from 2002’s Dork #10 by Evan Dorkin, in which teenaged Evan comes face-to-face — or at least face-to-foot — with the prettiest girl on the bus:


Ahh, the happy memories of junior high and the compadres of our youth… Ack, spit, howl, now I need three more weekends to erase those memories!

Also, a very merry birthday to our Friday Night Fights host, Spacebooger! He’s almost old enough to legally buy cigarettes and porn now!

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Friday Night Non-Fights: Redefining Wrong!

Okay, one more week ’til Spacebooger starts the next regular session of Friday Night Fights up again, but that doesn’t mean we gotta wait for him. I know the last few weeks have been a bit free of the usual violence and carnage we’ve come to expect, but I’ve figured out what I’ve been doing wrong — too many kids comics, not enough Grant Morrison. Those Brits really know how to get the disturbingly gory violence flowing, right? So let’s turn things over to last week’s Batman and Robin #3 by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely:







And Robin wins the prize for the understatement of the year. As for me, I’m off to scrub the horrors from my eyes with a wire brush. Hope y’all have a great weekend…

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Friday Night Non-Fights: Strange Love!

Another long work-week is done, and for a lot of students, it’s the first week back in school. And all that excitement and stress means it’s a great time for all us, grownup and pre-grownup alike, to get the weekend started right — and though SpaceBooger still has us officially taking a break for another week, I think we can still squeeze in some FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS. I keep having trouble getting these break-weeks hashed out, so let’s see if we can finally get some mindless, savage brutality in here with absolutely NO HUGGY-KISSY LOVE STUFF! Phooey!

From last week’s Tiny Titans #19 by Art Baltazar and Franco:






Well, crud, that didn’t work out at all. That may have been the least violent Friday Night Fights ever. I guess I’d feel a lot worse about it if it weren’t all so goshdarned cute…

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