Archive for Friday Night Fights

Friday Night Fights: Bone Breaking!

I know I’ve already used a couple of fights from the Savage Dragon recently in Friday Night Fights — but frankly, I’ve already got the scans done, so that means you’re going to get one more.

This one is from January 1996’s The Savage Dragon #25 by Erik Larsen. The backstory on this one is pretty good — the Dragon had previously been captured by a villain and badly beaten up, breaking most of his bones, then stuffed into a smokestack so his super-healing abilities would make his bones heal crooked.

Now the Dragon finally regains consciousness to find Mighty Man, one of his allies, bearing down on him ready to administer another brutal beatdown. Has Mighty Man been mind-controlled by another villain to do the Dragon in permanently?

And as it turns out, it’s not mind control — it’s medical treatment. In his secret identity, Mighty Man is a magically transformed nurse, and at the request of his doctors, he’s using medical knowledge to re-break the Dragon’s bones so they’ll heal properly this time. It wasn’t a particularly big moment, but it was one I always enjoyed because it showed that Larsen was able to think in creative ways that the other Image founders at the time weren’t able to match.

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Friday Night Fights: Ant Killer!

Alright, let’s just get right into today’s installment of Friday Night Fights. We’re coming from Atomic Robo, Volume One: Atomic Robo and the Fightin’ Scientists of Tesladyne, released sometime in 2008ish, by Brian Clevinger and Scott Wegener.

Our set-up: Atomic Robo has to beat up a bunch of giant ants. Huzzah for the classics! So he starts out with an old reliable implement of violence:

And then branches into some other implements of violence, including the occasional bad pun.

And he closes things off with the perfect summary for every comic book in existence.

“I just used my violence on them.” That’s brilliant. Atomic Robo, I salute you.

And if you’re not reading this series — what the heck is wrong with you?! Do you hate joy or something?!

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Friday Night Fights: Pain Calculation!

Ladies and germs, let’s get this sucker rolling right quick — it’s Friday night, and it’s time for FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Today’s battle comes from March 2009’s Birds of Prey #126 by Tony Bedard, Claude St. Aubin, and John Floyd, as the villainous Calculator tries to work up a plan involving a computer virus and a bunch of nanobots to neutralize the equally villainous Kilg%re:

As it turns out, Calculator gets better. A lot better. And after that, the Birds of Prey stomp his butt. Evil never wins, Calculator! Except in real life!

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Friday Night Fights: Silver Hammer!

Oh, sweet mercy! It’s finally September! It doesn’t mean autumn is here, but maybe, maybe it means we’ve got a chance of finally escaping from this endlessly long, endlessly hot, and endlessly dry summer. And that alone is worth celebrating with a little… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight, we’re going with November 1990’s Silver Surfer #43, by Jim Starlin, Ron Marz, Ron Lim, and Keith Williams, as the Sentinel of the Spaceways unleashes some whupass on a bunch of pesky robots.

Mmmm, silver, so nice and cool. I feel cooler already! Thanks, Silver Surfer!

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Friday Night Fights: Kid Stuff!

It’s been a rough week for all of us, what with the working and with the not sitting at home relaxing and imbibing chocolate milk and all that, so we need to break that all up with the best way to begin the weekend: FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes from April 2009’s Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam! #4 by Mike Kunkel, as Billy Batson and Theo Adam square off without using their powers.

A punch like that’ll stunt a kid’s growth…

Y’all have a good weekend — see y’all back here on Monday…

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Friday Night Fights: Fighting Fish!

Well, here we are again, another Friday, another FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

I know we used a fight from “Savage Dragon” not that long ago, but we’re going back there again, mainly because I scanned a bunch of fights from there a while back, and I’m not just gonna hold ’em all for the next 12-30 weeks. So here we go: from March 1999’s Savage Dragon #59, this is Smasher taking on some guy called Big-Fish:

I dunno about you, but I think I’m in the mood for Cajun grilled fish this weekend…

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Friday Night Fights: Mixed Nuts!

Awright, people, it’s Friday, it’s pretty much evening, and that means one thing: it’s too blasted hot. No, wait, it also means it’s time for something much more pleasant than the weather — it’s time for… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes from October 2004’s Outsiders #15 by Judd Winick and Tom Raney, as Grace Choi is stuck fighting the Fearsome Five’s Mammoth:

Yeah, that’s right. Some things are just more unpleasant than the weather. Chief among them is when a superstrong bouncer punches you in your binkityboos.

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Friday Night Fights: Fist of the Dragon!

Time for another new round of Friday Night Fights! Let’s kick things off with February 2000’s Savage Dragon #72 by Erik Larsen, in which the Dragon has to take on the all-new, all-evil incarnation of Mighty Man:

Hope y’all have a good weekend — see y’all back here on Monday!

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Friday Night Fights: Rock Fight!

We got just this one fight left in the latest round of Friday Night Fights — just one more fight featuring Ben Grimm, the Thing. So let’s just get right to it.

Today’s battle comes from May 1974’s Fantastic Four #146, by Gerry Conway, Ross Andru, and Joe Sinnott, as the Thing takes on Ternak:

Awright, you kids be good, have a fun weekend, and I’ll see y’all back here on Monday!

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Friday Night Fights: First Things

Well, looka here, looks like it’s time for the weekend again, and you still ain’t got no plans more sophisticated than watching TV, washing your socks, and drankin’ diet root beer. No way, my friend, that is not going to happen on my watch. We are going to get you good and pumped up for the weekend, and we’re going to do it the mindlessly violent way — with FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s fight comes from all the way back in November 1961’s landmark Fantastic Four #1 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, as Ben Grimm, in his first appearance, beats up streets and cars.

“Fool! Did you not see me in time?” There you go, ladies and gentlemen — Ben Grimm used to talk just like Dr. Doom. Wotta revoltin’ development that was…

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