Archive for Friday Night Fights

Friday Night Fights: Naughty Spawn, You Face the Tick!

People, I know things are getting more and more hectic as we get closer to Christmas. Heck, even the weekends don’t seem to offer the relief they normally do — there are more activities, and everyone’s trying to get their shopping done. But we gotta grab some enjoyment from our weekends while we can. So let’s get this weekend started the right way, with a little of the ol’ ultraviolence and… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes from November 1989’s The Tick #6 by Ben Edlund. The Tick has stumbled onto his first real supervillain — the seemingly evil and kinda communist Red Scare! How will the nigh invulnerable Tick prevail against this champion of the commies?

Alright, people, get out there and vanquish the forces of Stalinism… by SHOPPING.

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Friday Night Fights: Sturm und Fang!

Sometimes, I just cannot handle the holidays. Every week closer to Christmas just gets crazier and crazier and crazier, and more and more difficult to handle. Even the weekends aren’t always enough, but we gotta make the best of them while we can. So let’s get this one started right with a little gratuitous violence and… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us from July 2010’s American Vampire #3 by Scott Snyder and Rafael Albuquerque, as new vampire Pearl Jones takes on a few undead rivals.

And that is how vampires have a face-off. Get it? Get it, you guys? Get it?

Everyone have a great weekend.

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Friday Night Fights: Head Splitter!

Man, I ain’t got time for the usual rigamarole, so let’s get right to it. It’s time for… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Today’s fight comes from September 1999’s JSA #2 by James Robinson, David Goyer, Stephen Sadowski, and Michael Bair. The Justice Society is taking on the Sons of Anubis, a bunch of zombified Egyptians working for Mordru. One of them is trying to drown Black Canary ’til Jay Garrick removes the water from the situation:

That’ll do it. See y’all back here on Monday!

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Friday Night Fights: Disrupting the Teen Scene!

Well, according to my calendar, it’s Friday, so it’s the end of the work week, and that means we need to get the weekend started right with a nice fat dose of… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Today’s battle comes to us from one of my favorite comics ever: June 1980’s The New Teen Titans #20 by Marv Wolfman, George Perez, Romeo Tanghal, and Adrienne Roy, a story molded around the idea that Kid Flash is writing about the team’s latest adventures in a letter home to his parents. The villain in this issue is a guy called the Disruptor, who wears a high-tech super-suit that lets him… disrupt things. It’s sounds incredibly dorky, but he still manages to mop the floor with the Titans for a while, all narrated in overwrought style by the teenaged Wally West…

That’s what we got for this Friday. Next weekend is going to be post-holiday crazy, so I won’t be posting a fight next Friday, but we’ll have plenty of fighting to do the weekend after that…

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Friday Night Fights: Ibac for More!

It’s Prize Fight night, and SpaceBooger has declared that it’s a night for Arch Enemies. And I looked around my comics, and I don’t have any particularly good fights with Batman and the Joker, or Superman and Lex Luthor, or Spider-Man and the Green Goblin.

So I went wandering a bit farther afield and hit on the Big Red Cheese. There are some fights between Captain Marvel and Dr. Sivana, but they’re a bit anticlimactic. But there was at least this battle with one of Cap’s sub-arch enemies, Ibac.

So, from July 1973’s Shazam! #4 by Denny O’Neil and C.C. Beck, here’s Captain Marvel vs. Ibac!

And of course, Ibac surrenders soon afterwards.

Don’t forget to head over to SpaceBooger’s place and vote on your favorite fights!

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Friday Night Fights: All-Wrasslin’ Monster Action!

Hey, it’s the last Friday before Halloween, and that means it’s time to check in with some extra-monstery violence! So let’s get right to it — from May 2010’s brilliant Hellboy in Mexico by Mike Mignola and Richard Corben, here’s Hellboy facing off with the masked vampire luchador Camazotz!

If there’s one thing I love about Halloween, it’s the way it brings together demonic monster-fighters and vampire luchadors.

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Friday Night Fights: Trick Question!

Alrighty, we’ve all had a rough week, full of painful work assignments, painful bosses, painful customers, and painful getting-out-of-bed-too-early. But the weekend is finally here, and the only pain any of us have to deal with now is… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes from January 2008’s Crime Bible: The Five Lessons of Blood #2 by Greg Rucka and Jesus Saiz, as Renee Montoya puts on her faceless mask and goes out as the Question to beat up on bad guys.

That was pretty nice. I sure do hope DC is going to bring Renee back as the Question — she was just too much fun as a character.

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Friday Night Fights: Headbutt Power!

Let’s jump right into it — tonight’s edition of Friday Night Fights comes to us from October 2009’s Power Girl #4 by Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Amanda Conner, as Power Girl tangles with a giant lizard!

There we go — see y’all again on Monday!

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Friday Night Fights: Rolling the Bones!

Awright, ladies and gentlemen, time to start another hopefully-blissful weekend — and that means it’s time for another round of… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Today’s battle comes to us all the way from July 1968’s Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. #2 by the great Jim Steranko! Let’s see what happens when agent Jimmy Woo has to fight his way through a bunch of animated skeletons in a deadly funhouse!

That’s what Halloween is like every year at my house… complete with the spine-shattering. Those durn teenagers are too old for trick-or-treating, I tells ya!

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Friday Night Fights: The Speed of Pain!

Friends and neighbors, if it’s Friday, and if we’re all feeling the need for a nice fat dose of weekend relaxation, that means it’s gotta be time to kick things off the way we’ve become accustomed to: with FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us from October 1994’s Shadow Cabinet #4 by Matt Wayne, Jason Armstrong, and Andrew Pepoy. The Cabinet is working an undercover op in a third world nation to protect the democratically elected president from a military coup. When the team discovers an assassin targeting the president, the Cabinet’s speedster, Blitzen, takes over the action:

And that’s that! Enjoy your weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday!

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