Archive for Friday Night Fights

Friday Night Fights: Breakneck Sheep!

Okay, so our last edition of Friday Night Fights featured the Hulk not really covering himself in glory when he, the most powerful creature in the Marvel Universe, fights a bear and accidentally breaks its neck because he’s too dim to know his own strength. But surely, that’s unfair to the Hulk — who wouldn’t get carried away doing something as awesome as fighting a bear? I bet he’s much more in-control of himself normally, right?

So, from the same comic as last week, November 1984’s Marvel Fanfare #17, in a story by David Anthony Kraft and Tony Salmons, the Hulk fights the cosmic menace of… a bighorn sheep.

OMG, Hulk, you are the worst.

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Friday Night Fights: Breakneck Bear!

It’s the end of the work-week, and we’re all needing a break from work and responsibility and everything else. What’s the best way to start the weekend? Obviously, you gotta start with… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us from November 1984’s Marvel Fanfare #17, with a story by David Anthony Kraft and Tony Salmons. The Hulk is out roaming in the woods, causes some mayhem, accidentally starts a fire, and starts a stampede of animals, all the while complaining that all he wants is peace and quiet. And once a panicked bear attacks old Jade Jaws… well, things get even worse.

Holy bananas, the Hulk just gave that bear the Gwen Stacy treatment!

Smooth move, Green Genes. Maybe you wanna go off somewhere and stomp on some kittens, too?

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Friday Night Fights: Harpy Harm!

Alright, people, I ain’t got time to mess around, so let’s jump right into this. It’s time for… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us from January 2008’s The Goon #20 by Eric Powell, as the Goon and Franky have to deal with a mid-air attack by a couple of harpies.

That oughtta do it for tonight. Now get out there and have an awesome weekend — I’ll see youse mugs back here on Monday.

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Friday Night Fights: Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies

If it’s Friday, and it’s getting pretty close to evening, then dang it, it must be time for… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us from February/March 1959’s Challengers of the Unknown #6 by none other than Jack Kirby! The Challengers are on the run from evil aliens who displayed them in a space circus, when they discover the unusual properties of an asteroid they’ve landed on…

That’ll do it for me. See you guys back here on Monday…

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Friday Night Fights: Collateral Chaos!

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it’s been yet another heck-of-a-week, and the best way to recover from that and get your weekend started right is with a little of our old favorite: FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us all the way from January 1963’s The Incredible Hulk #5 by none other than Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, as a villain called Tyrannus menaces the Hulk, who responds by pulling a Samson on everyone…

And what’s that last sound effect? Barroom? Sounds like where I’m headed next. Y’all have a great weekend — see you back here Monday…

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Friday Night Fights: Starmen and Tigers and Bears!

Alright, people, it’s Friday again, and that means it’s time to get your weekend started off the right way. No, that doesn’t mean you get to play canasta, or paste up new wallpaper, or learn how to line-dance. It means we start things off with… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us courtesy of March 1942’s Adventure Comics #72 by Gardner F. Fox and Jack Burnley. I know James Robinson’s 1990’s “Starman” series would have you think that Ted Knight, the Golden Age Starman, was a bit of sensitive scientific genius, but back in the ’40s, Starman tended to unleash some really serious whupass. How much whupass? Well, how about fighting-bears-and-tigers whupass?

How ’bout you? You ever used a tiger to club a bear into unconsciousness? No? Maybe you’d better try it this weekend.

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Friday Night Fights: Toth! Toth! Toth!

Yes, yes, time again for Friday Night Fights — but can we just jump right into this one? ‘Cause it’s really kinda amazing.

I saw this one online a few weeks back and was pretty blown away by how awesome it looked. It took some more time for me to find a useable digital scan of it, and then I sat down and tried to figure out how I could cut this down to smaller panels — and decided it’d be criminal to post it as anything other than the full splash page.

From April 1972’s Adventure Comics #418 by Denny O’Neil and the legendary Alex Toth, here’s a grand, glorious page dedicated to Black Canary beating the socks off some poor sucker.

No kidding — this page just amazes me every time I look at it. It’s just beautifully well done.

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Friday Night Fights: Wallbanger!

It’s been a while since we did this, but it’s been a rough few weeks, and I think it’s definitely time we all got some serious enjoyment out of this weekend. And the best way to start off a weekend? I think we all know by now that it starts with… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Today’s battle comes from February 1965’s The Amazing Spider-Man #21 by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. Spidey’s teamed up with the Human Torch as they track down the Beetle, but it looks like the bad guy is about the get the drop on Johnny Storm.

And I’ve just about hit the wall, too. Let’s hope I can get maximum relaxation out of this weekend, for once…

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Friday Night Fights: Western Whuppin’s!

Okay, it’s the first weekend after the holidays. The best thing about the first weekend after the holidays is that it’s the first one in weeks that hasn’t included an extra dose of holiday stress. So we actually get to enjoy this one a bit more. So let’s jump right into things with some good old-fashioned… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us from August 1968’s Showcase #76 by Sergio Aragones and Nick Cardy, with the first appearance of dandified Western anti-hero Bat Lash:

And that’s that! See y’all back here on Monday!

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Friday Night Fights: Bizarros vs. Christmas!

Hey, Merry Christmas Eve Eve! I know it’s the holidays, peace on earth, goodwill to men, and all that, but surely there’s some room for some mindless violence in all that, right? Well, maybe not in the usual way, but I believe I’ve found something that’s definitely mindless and fairly significantly violent to Christmas itself. So even though I don’t have the most battle-heavy battle ever, it’s still time for… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

So from November 1961’s Adventure Comics #290 by Jerry Siegel and John Forte, let’s pay a visit to the Bizarro World, that strange cube-shaped world where Superman’s imperfect duplicate Bizarro lives with all the other imperfect duplicates. So how do Bizarros celebrate their imperfect duplicate of Christmas? Well, you’ve got to have a Bizarro-Claus…

And Bizarro-Claus needs to sing some Christmas carols, right?

Yes, that certainly helps get you into the Christmas spirit, doesn’t it? And hey, is Bizarro-Claus going to come down the chimney to bring us presents?

Well, of course, that makes perfect sense. No, wait, it makes imperfect sense!

Broken toys under Christmas cactus tree! This am just like least favorite Christmas ever! Me so sad me could laugh and laugh!

And now for traditional smelly Bizarro Christmas cards!

And that am how Bizarros use symbolic violence to make Christmas dumber and stinkier than ever! Unmerry Christmas from Bizarro World! Me hope you have lousiest, ugliest, and worst holiday ever! Hello!

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