Archive for Friday Night Fights

Friday Night Fights: Power and Glory!

Time to kick off a new round of Friday Night Fights? Let’s get things going with a classic.

Tonight’s battle is from February 1978’s Showcase #97, by Paul Levitz, Joe Staton, and Joe Orlando. Power Girl vs. random thugs? I think we know who wins that one, right?

Head over to Spacebooger’s joint and pick out your favorites!

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Friday Night Fights: Mommy Wars!

It’s the last episode of this round of Friday Night Fights, and our instructions are to bring the pain in as few panels as possible. Dangit, I’m not going to be able to do that — I don’t have anything I can think of that’s just a single-panel fight, but here’s the closest thing I can dredge up.

From November 2011’s Alpha Flight #4 by Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente, and Dale Eaglesham: Here’s Heather Hudson, the Guardian, going a bit overboard in a family dispute with her cousin.

Wow. That’s probably the least polite Canadian ever.

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Friday Night Fights: Fist of the Northstar!

So Marvel has just announced that Northstar is about to get married — which means one of the Big Two has finally caught up to Archie Comics! But I’m glad for Northstar anyway, and as long as Marvel treats the marriage respectfully and not as a cheap event, I’ll be happy. And to recognize that Northstar is a fighter, not just a lover, we’re dedicating this edition of Friday Night Fights to him.

So here is 1991’s Marvel Comics Presents #92 by Karl Bollers, Antonio Matias, and Joe Madureira putting the spotlight on the superspeedy Northstar and his fight against a gun-happy terrorist.

Wow, early Joe Madureira art looked not very much like classic-era Joe Madureira art. And holy schnooks, that’s one heck of a ponytail you’re sporting, Mr. Northstar!

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Friday Night Fights: Wayne of Pain!

No clever introduction tonight! Let’s get right to… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle is from a Huntress backup story in August 1982’s Wonder Woman #295 by Paul Levitz, Joe Staton, and Jerry Ordway, as the Huntress — who was, at this point in continuity, Helena Wayne of Earth-2 — beats the snot out of a thug hiding out in a theater.

No clever outro either! The weekend awaits!

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Friday Night Fights: Boxing and Blood!

Let’s just jump straight into it — it’s time again for… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

I’m probably the only modern comics fan who really enjoys some of the really old comics, and this one has always been on my list, just for the sheer imaginative lunacy on display. It’s “Dream of the Rarebit Fiend,” from the early years of the previous century. It was created by Winsor McCay, who also did “Little Nemo in Slumberland.” Every strip involved someone having an absolutely bizarre dream or nightmare, with the final panel focusing on the dreamer waking up and swearing they’d never again eat “rarebit” or “Welsh rabbit” — a meal of melted cheese sauce over toast that was reputed to cause vivid dreams.

So here’s the strip from all the way back on October 10, 1904, featuring the dreamer battling his way through Charles McCoy, Tom Sharkey, Gentleman Jim Corbett, Robert James Fitzsimmons, and James J. Jeffries — some of the best known boxers of the day…

Hope all your dreams this weekend are pleasant and not too cheese-fueled…

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Friday Night Fights: Punching the Strawman!

Wow, another rough week for me — hope it was better for you. But whether it was good or bad, let’s get right into the only thing we need to get the weekend started right: FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Today’s brawl comes to us from December 2009’s Batgirl #3 by Bryan Q. Miller, Lee Garbett, and Trevor Scott. Stephanie Brown is on one of her first adventures as Batgirl and must contend with the Scarecrow…

Ah, Steph — still my favorite Batgirl… DC never appreciated how awesome you were…

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Friday Night Fights: Football Frenzy!

Awright, it’s time to get the weekend started the fun way and jump in with some Friday Night Fights!

I’m not even sure if this one really counts as a fight — there aren’t any fisticuffs or shootings or stabbings or someone getting dropped into an oversized fruit juicer… but it completely kicked my butt, so that’s what we’re going with. It’s supposedly an undated “Peanuts” Sunday strip, though it doesn’t look a whole lot like Charles Schulz’s artwork, so I’m going to assume it’s all the work of John Romita, Sr. So let’s get right to it.

Featuring WHO?! Oh, this’ll be interesting…


Best Friday Night Fights ever.

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Friday Night Fights: Spine Cracker!

Another rotten week down the tubes, another short weekend upon us. Will it be enough to wash the bad taste of the previous workweek out of us? Will it be enough to strengthen us for the week ahead? No one can know. The only certainty is that we have to start the weekend with… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle is from October 2008’s The Incredible Hercules #120 by Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente, Rafa Sandoval, Roger Bonet, and Greg Adams. There’s this dude called Kly’bn, who is a Skrull god, and he’s bad news. Herc is fighting the guy off, and Snowbird has just happened to find the spine of another god. Gee, whatever will she do with that?

Well, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for all of us that we don’t get any divine spinal cords jammed through our torsos, at least for the weekend…

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Friday Night Fights: Dino Damage!

I don’t know about y’all, but this has been a rough week — and I’m pretty sure next week is gonna be a heck of a lot worse. So let’s live it up while we can and enjoy a quick dose of… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us all the way from April 2010’s Atomic Robo: Revenge of the Vampire Dimension #3 by Brian Clevinger and Scott Wegener. BEHOLD! The epic battle between our hero Atomic Robo and our other hero Dr. Dinosaur!

Dr. Dinosaur is the greatest comic book character in history, and if you say otherwise, it’s just because you filthy mammals are jealous of his reptilian genius.

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Friday Night Fights: Rodent Rage!

Listen, kiddios, right now, it’s 4:36 p.m., Central time, Friday, April 6, 2012, Planet Earth, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe Designation Theta-L88Z-Omega-92, and I think we should just go ahead and get the weekend started early. Let’s get going with a little… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Let’s go with the biggest, baddest badass in comics, a’ight? From January 1992’s Marvel Super-Heroes #8 by the one and only Steve Ditko and Will Murray, here’s the grand debut of Squirrel Girl as she helps Iron Man take down Doctor Doom.

Hope you have a great weekend — everyone go out there and get nutty.

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