Archive for Friday Night Fights

Friday Night Fights: Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Butt-Whuppin’!

Alright, kids, it’s Friday night again, and in addition to being the end of the work week and the beginning of yet another much-too-short weekend, it’s also the time we unload a brand new… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us from March 1982’s Power Man and Iron Fist #79 by Mary Jo Duffy, Kerry Gammill, and Ricardo Villamonte. Luke Cage and Danny Rand team up briefly with an eccentric time traveler named Justin Alphonse Gamble — an absolutely shameless rip-off of Doctor Who. And their opponents? Well, they’re a bunch of crazy destructive robots called the Dredlox. Let’s check this stuff out…

And that’ll do it for this week. You ready for the weekend? Allons-y!

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Friday Night Fights: Rubber Biscuit!

Awright, it’s Friday, and a lot of us can look forward to a nice long Labor Day Weekend. I think that means we can get started with… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us from September 1942’s Police Comics #11 by the great Jack Cole. Plastic Man meets up with a villain who can grow to colossal size. What’s the best way to deal with a giant nogoodnik? Probably not like this:

Your lesson for this Labor Day Weekend is to avoid swallowing plastic. Stick with hot dogs, okay?

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Friday Night Fights: Fighting Yourself!

Hey, you ready for Friday Night Fights? How ’bout you over there, you ready for Friday Night Fights? And you in the back, yeah, the guy wearing the onesie, you ready for Friday Night Fights? Well, let’s get to it then — it’s time for… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us from February 2005’s Teen Titans #19 by Geoff Johns, Mike McKone, Marlo Alquiza, and Jeromy Cox, in which Tim Drake as Robin goes traveling through time and meets up with Tim Drake as Batman. Turns out they don’t get along.

Okay, y’all have a great weekend, and I’ll see you guys next week…

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Friday Night Fights: Nothing’s Ever Easy in Easy!

It’s been less than a week since the death of Joe Kubert, and I feel like spotlighting some of his work for this week’s Friday Night Fights. You guys up for it? Then let’s get rolling.

From May 1964’s Our Army at War #142 by Robert Kanigher and Joe Kubert, here’s Sgt. Rock and those Combat-Happy Joes of Easy Company vs. a Tiger tank!

Hats off and sound the bugle.

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Friday Night Fights: Squirrel Power!

Okay, kids, let’s get right into it — it’s Friday, and we’re all feeling punchy, so that means it’s time for… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us from October 2011’s The New Avengers #15 by Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Deodato, Wolverine has to face off against the Marvel Universe’s most unstoppable badass.

Winner and still champeen — Squirrel Girl!

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Friday Night Fights: Balance of Power!

Well, alright then, it’s Friday, and that’s awesome. But it’s impossibly hot, and that’s not awesome. That’s so very not awesome. And there’s not a durn thing we can do about it, other than try to stay air conditioned and shaded and hydrated. But we can lessen the agony of all this heat with… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes from January 2010’s Justice Society of America #33 by Bill Willingham, Matthew Sturges, and Jesus Merino, as Power Girl faces off against a villain called Blue Moon, whose strength waxes and wanes with the phases of the moon.

That’ll do it for me. See you guys on Monday!

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Friday Night Fights: Patriotic Pain!

Okay, it’s way, way after Independence Day, but some stuff is just too good to pass up. You wouldn’t want me to save this a whole year for next July 4th? No way, we’re doing this right now. Buckle up, kids, it’s time for… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

From 1976’s Marvel Treasury Special: Captain America’s Bicentennial Battles #1 by the King himself, Jack Kirby! For all the marbles: Captain America vs. Hitler!

Best way to start the weekend: beating the snot out of Nazis.

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Friday Night Fights: Faking It!

Wow, what a week. Just nothing but chaos and responsibilities and not anywhere near enough rest or fun. I hope like heck that this weekend is going to help relieve that a little. But we gotta get things rolling, and the best way to start off a new weekend is with… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us from October 2009’s Marvel Adventures: The Avengers #39 by Paul Tobin, Horacio Domingues, and Craig S. Yeung. The Rhino has decided he’s tired of having to hang out with crazy psychotic supervillains, but he doesn’t want to just turn himself in to the cops — he wants to go out with style — and that means he’s gotta get stomped by a superhero. But when Tigra is the hero who shows up, can they team up to make this fight look properly punishing?

That’ll do it for me — see you guys on Monday!

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Friday Night Fights: Memorial Mayhem!

It’s not too far past the Fourth of July, is it? I can still shoehorn in some properly patriotic pummelling here, can’t I? Then hold on to your stovepipe hat, ’cause it’s time again for… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Today’s battle comes to us from July 2011’s Secret Avengers #13 by Nick Spencer, Scot Eaton, Rick Ketcham, Jaime Mendoza, and Frank G. D’Armata. The scene? Nazi war machines have invaded Washington, D.C.! And there aren’t enough superheroes around to stop them? Luckily, we don’t need superheroes when we’ve got… THE LINCOLN MEMORIAL!

Stand up and salute, citizen! Any country so dedicated to beating up Nazis that it’ll spontaneously animate its memorial statuary is a country that deserves your unending loyalty! Now head over to Spacebooger’s place so you can vote… Vote… VOTE for your favorite battle!

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Friday Night Fights: Cat Fight Club!

Awright, kids, it’s Friday night, we got a pitifully short weekend ahead, maybe a single day off in the middle of next week, and then another pitifully short weekend after that. But let’s make the best of it while we can. It’s time for… FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!

Tonight’s battle comes to us from May 1983’s Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew #15 by Scott Shaw!, E. Nelson Bridwell, and Carol Lay as our spell-slinging hero Alley-Kat-Abra faces off against the evil sorcerer Feline Faust!

(Not the best image quality — sorry, folks, it’s hard to get a very clear scan on stuff that’s unfortunately not been kept in the best of shape since I bought ’em in junior high. All the more reason for DC to hurry up and get us a Showcase Presents phonebook for the Zoo Crew comics, right?)

Anyway, there we go, people. Get out there and enjoy your weekend. Stay cool, drink plenty of liquids (It’s hot out there, dangit), and I’ll see y’all back here in a few days.

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