Archive for Fat Cobra

Friday Night Fights: King Cobra!

Well, it’s time for another prize fight round of Friday Night Fights — whichever battle gets the most votes wins a prize. And as he always does for prize fights, Spacebooger insists on a theme. This time, the theme is that the loser of each battle gives up before being beaten too badly.

So the fight I picked (and I wouldn’t be too surprised if all the other competitors picked the same fight, because it’s quite good) is from November 2007’s Immortal Iron Fist #9 by Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, David Aja, and Scott Koblish, in which Daniel Rand takes on the boisterous Fat Cobra in combat.




Now hopefully, y’all are all gonna go vote for me, so maybe I’ll get a chance at some of Fat Cobra’s Victory Wenches…

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