Easter Egg-cellence
So it’s almost time for the strangest Easter any of us have experienced in years, probably decades. Most of the churches — the sensible ones, the ones that value their parishioners and want them to survive to summer, you know, not the megachurches and prosperity gospel scammers — aren’t going to be meeting at all, even though Easter Sunday is normally the very busiest day of the church year. Most people are making do with watching church services online, or maybe attending a drive-in service where you don’t even get out of your car.
And there aren’t a lot of large-scale Easter egg hunts either. No civic group is willing to risk getting who-knows how many kids, parents, and grandparents exposed to the virus just for the sake of a little chocolate.
But we’ll celebrate our own nerdy way instead. Who wants to see the best Easter eggs in comicsdom? (And gamedom and TVdom and well, just geekery-dom in general)

Well, I think we can all agree on the worst Easter Egg — Egg Fu! When they brought him back in the Modern Era, he was an ugly, creepy, cracked-face monster, but he was definitely even worse back in the ’70s, when he was an incredibly racist stereotype stuck on an egg. I decided to use the modern crackly one, ’cause to hell with the racist one, right?

There’s this guy — Digitamamon from the old Digimon cartoon and game in the ’90s. I know almost nothing about him, but he was apparently one of the most powerful creatures on the program. Not too bad for an adorable little egg baby, is he?

The alien eggs and yolk-monsters that appeared in Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew #5 back in the ’80s were pretty good, but they were just the warm-up villains for the nigh-omnipotent Bunny from Beyond.

But then there was Togepi from the Pokemon cartoons and games in the ’90s. I didn’t know much about Pokemon at all — aside from the clearly obvious fact that the best characters were Jigglypuff, Psyduck, and Team Rocket. But I always thought Togepi was the cutest character, waffling around in his decorated eggshell in Misty’s arms, waving his little baby arms in the air, burbling happily. Surely that means Togepi is geekery’s very best egg, right?
But wait, wait, what’s this?

Okay, any egg portrayed by Vincent Price himself — and providing plenty of theatrical ham to go along with the eggs — must take the prize. Congratulations to Egghead, and Happy Easter to the rest of us!
JD Said,
April 10, 2020 @ 8:41 am
Happy Easter.
Glad you got cracking on this blog again.
scottslemmons Said,
April 10, 2020 @ 5:27 pm
Thank you, JD, and Merry Easter right back atcha! 🙂