Friday Night Fights: Samurai Robots!

Crud, I’ve been trying to think of a nice clever hook for this latest edition of Friday Night Fights, but it just ain’t happening. But with this particular battle, the best hook may be the battle itself.

So here we got August 2006’s Nextwave #6 by Warren Ellis, Stuart Immonen, and Wade von Grawbadger. It features Elsa Bloodstone, armed only with a shovel, and Tabitha Smith, armed only with her usual “Tick Tick Tick BOOM,” against a horde of samurai robots.

I’ll repeat that for added emphasis: SAMURAI ROBOTS.

Let’s get right to the mayhem:

Don’t forget to head out to SpaceBooger’s place a little later this evening and vote for your favorite fights — the winner gets a prize. Yes, your votes could cause me to get stuff and that’s the BEST THING EVER.

Y’all have a great weekend — see ya Monday…


  1. Friday Night Fights: “Fight Life” Prize Fight | Said,

    March 25, 2011 @ 10:21 pm

    […] Elsa Bloodstone & Tabitha Smith (Hero Sandwich) […]

  2. FNF: Best of 2011 Said,

    December 30, 2011 @ 1:15 pm

    […] Elsa Bloodstone & Tabitha Smith (Hero Sandwich) […]