Friday Night Non-Fights: Big Bang!
We’ve got another short break before our regular Friday Night Fights make their triumphant return, but there are other kinds of violence in the world, including the violence done to the fragile male ego when cruelly shot down by incognito but freakin’ awesome superheroines!
From October 2009’s Power Girl #4 by Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Amanda Conner: Power Girl goes to a movie, gets macked on by (gasp!) the guys from “The Big Bang Theory” (!!!), and reacts by terrifying them with dating advice (and being alarmingly tall and gorgeous):
Wow, gotta give Howard credit for being able to maintain proper eye contact.
Quite seriously, that right there is probably my single favorite moment from the entire “Power Girl” series — and that was a comic jam-packed with awesomeness. If you haven’t read it, go hunt down the trade paperbacks, fer cryin’ out loud.
Gary Said,
August 7, 2010 @ 5:11 pm
I’m with you there, man – the Power Girl series was just fantastic. It showed that there is a market out there for well written, perfectly illustrated FUN comics and I wish there were more like it.