Friday Night Fights: A Spirited Battle!
Listen, man, I’ve had one heck of a week. I had to get out of bed, like, five times since Monday, and I had to go to work, and they didn’t let me play video games at all! What is up with that? Don’t they realize how important it is for me to play video games as often as I can?
Also, speaking of video games, none of y’all bothered to just show up at my door and give me a free Centipede coin-op machine. I give and I give, and no one will donate free Centipede machines to me, except for the ones that dispense actual centipedes, and I don’t want those at all!
Where was I?
Oh, yeah, it’s time for FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!
Tonight, we’re heading all the way back to the August 10, 1947 edition of “The Spirit Section,” a small tabloid-size comic book that used to be included in newspapers back in the ’40s and ’50s. This is from a story called “Sign of the Octopus” and it was written and drawn by the great Will Eisner. Here, the Spirit wakes up from an impromptu nap, goes off to get some water, and gets a little lullaby, courtesy of Crusher, one of the hired goons of the Octopus.
Mmmm, all that plus spaghetti for supper! Sounds great, Mr. Spirit!
FNF:BAD BOYS Round 11 » Said,
March 12, 2010 @ 8:40 pm
[…] Crusher (Hero Sandwich) […]
swampy Said,
March 12, 2010 @ 9:53 pm
what a drip…lol