I do believe we’ve mentioned the Lubbock Comic Book Expo, haven’t we? Sure, we have! Remember, it’s going to be on Saturday, May 2, at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center, during the annual Lubbock Arts Festival. It’s just two bucks to get into the Arts Festival, which is one holy heck of a bargain, and if you wanna head over to the Comic Expo, it’s dead solid free, which is an even better bargain.
Now let’s talk about some of our events for a bit. The one thing everyone seems pretty stoked about is our costume contest. We had a good one last year (I’m still impressed by the guy who dressed up as Fry from “Futurama” to win first prize), but it was pretty small. We want to have a lot more people in costume this year.
So if you’ve got a costume, please bring it! I don’t care if you’re young or old — they make a lot of really cool kids costumes nowadays, but there are a lot of dedicated cosplayers out there who make their own costumes by hand. So if you have a costume, wear it and come down to the Civic Center on May 2. The costume contest is set for 4 p.m. If you wanna come before that, we’d love you there — people in costume are great for bringing in more attendance. Heck, if we like your costume, we may send you to walk around the Arts Festival to help drum up some interest in the Expo.
So seriously, if you have a costume, we want to see you there! If you look like this:

We wanna see you!
If you look like this:

We wanna see you!
Heck, even if you look like this:

We STILL wanna see you!
Costume Contest! May 2 at 4 p.m. at the Civic Center! BE THERE!
Hey, wait a sec, I haven’t listed any of our scheduled presentations yet, and time’s starting to run short, so here’s the list right now:
11 a.m.: The Reality of Spider-Man with Rob Weiner
12 noon: Lubbock’s Comics Connections with Scott Slemmons (That’s me!)
1 p.m.: Texas Tech Library 2D Lab demonstration
2 p.m.: Texas Tech Library 3D Lab demonstration
3 p.m.: Flash animation with Paul Davidson from South Plains College
4 p.m.: The Costume Contest!
5 p.m.: The Future of Comics in West Texas with Will Terrell and Robert Mora
Is the Comic Book Expo on your calendar? It better be! Or else I’m showing you my Out-of-Shape and Unshaven Dr. Manhattan costume!
UPDATE: As Will Terrell notes in comments, the grand prize for the costume contest is a commissioned illustration by him! This is normally a $150 – $200 value, so y’all should feel free to get wildly enthused and start tearing up the joint.